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Making Moja accessible for everyone

Welcome to the Moja family! We want our website to be accessible for everyone, so if there's something you think we can do to make it even more user friendly, let us know.

A policy in your pocket means that you have everything you need at your fingertips.

We know that sometimes you might need a helping hand, so if you need us you can contact us.

We also have tons of useful info on our Help Hub, too.

Need someone else to deal with your policy for you? No problem

Contact us with their name and date of birth, then we'll look after the rest. From there, that person will be able to talk to us about your policy and any claims you make, plus they'll be able to make policy changes. The only thing they can't do is cancel the policy, so we'll still need to hear from you for that (although we hope you want to stay with us!).

Need your docs in a different format? We've got your back

We can give you documents in Braille, large font or audio formats and there's no charge for this.

Let us know if you'd like docs in a different format and we'll get those sent to you in the next 10 days - simple!